It is wrong for Horkheimer and Adorno to portrait Nietzsche as a theorist consistent with fascism when they explore the roots of fascism in their book Dialectic of Enlightenment.In fact,what Nietzsche opposed to is the modern subject concept of equality and consistence,and advocating the pluralistic 'subject' ideas of different levels though,he was not yet against the weak of the lower level.What he was against,instead,is just the weak that attempted to override above the strong and to beautify this overriding with ideology.As a cultural critic,he admired the 'barbarous aristocracy' of the past,appreciating that there was no doctrine of absolutism and metaphysics in them.His criticism of Christian morality from a philosophical and cultural point of view is but a rejection of the traditional Christian moral creeds as the only reason for being true and good,in no way to demean any of those specific moral creeds.Nietzsche was against evaluating the history in moral perspective,but for a perspective of strength growth,as is similar,to some extent,to the historical materialism.
Journal of Nanjing University(Philosophy,Humanities and Social Sciences)