Both ecocriticism and feminism use deconstructionist methods, which oppose the human-centrism against nature and patriarchal system that is oppressive of women. Therefore, the two theories are naturally combined into ecological feminism. Some feminists believe that women and nature have some inherent common characteristics, so women are born to be closer to nature. However, this view is problematic. It should be recognized that women and nature come together as a shared community because of the same set of domination logic of oppression, which is a post-natal construction, instead of a priori essentialism. The correct understanding of the relationship between women and nature is conducive to the expansion of the perspective of ecological feminism to all oppressed "otherness", including women, nature, colored people, non-heterosexual people, non-Western countries, and grass-root groups, as well as the alliance between different types of "otherness", so as to deconstruct the dominant logic itself and eventually dissolve logocentrism.
The Journal of Jiangsu Administration Institute