气泡幕对一些鱼类行为具有阻拦和驱赶作用,是海洋牧场建设中鱼群控制的技术之一。本试验在水槽中进行,分别研究将气泡幕设置在水槽1/4 L、1/2 L和3/4 L处时,对20尾日本真鲈(Lateolabrax japonicus)的阻拦效果,以及将气泡幕设置在水槽1/2 L时,在1.56尾/m^2、3.12尾/m^2、4.69尾/m^2和6.26尾/m^2四种密度条件下日本真鲈的行为反应。试验发现:1)实验鱼为20尾时,将气泡幕设置在水槽1/4 L、1/2 L和3/4 L处,阻拦率分别达到了59.08%,94.47%和45.20%,1/2 L处气泡幕阻拦效果较为明显;2)将气泡幕设置在水槽1/2 L处,实验鱼分别为5尾、15尾和20尾时,气泡幕阻拦率分别达到了91.67%、92.33%和94.47%,阻拦效果良好,而实验鱼为10尾时,气泡幕通过率达到了136.67%,说明气泡幕对拦截日本真鲈具有一定不确定性;3)在1.56尾/m^2、3.12尾/m^2、4.17尾/m^2、4.69尾/m^2、6.26尾/m^2和12.52尾/m^2六种密度条件下,气泡幕阻拦率分别为91.67%、-36.67%、45.21%、92.33%、94.47%和59.08%。本研究结果可为我国投放日本真鲈的海洋牧场鱼群控制技术提供参考。
Air-bubble curtain can be used as a control technique for fish in marine ranching for its functions of intercepting and driving fishes. This paper studied the intercepting effects of the air-bubble curtains, which were set at 1/4, 1/2 and 3/4 of rectangular flumes respectively, on 20 fishes. And the behaviors of sea bass (the densities were 1.56, 3.12, 4.69 and 6.26 individuals per square meter, respectively) responding to the air-bubble curtain (set at 1/2 of the flume) were also researched. The results showed that the interception rates were 59.08%, 94.46 and 45.21%, respectively when the bubble curtains were set at 1/4, 1/2 and 3/4, indicating that the second setting was the best. When there were 5, 15, and 20 fishes in the flmne, the air-bubble curtain had interception rates of 91.67%, 92.33% and 94.47%, respectively. While the pass rate was 136.37% with 10 fishes in the flume, which showed that the interception effect was uncertain. In addition, the interception rates were 91.67% , -36.67% , 45.21% , 92.33% , 94.47% and 59.08% , respectively densities of 1. 56, 3. 12, 4. 17, 4. 69, 6. 26 and 12. 52 individuals per square meter, respectively. In clusion, the air-bubble curtain has a good interception effect and the results of this study can provide a references for the control technique of sea bass in marine ranching.
Fishery Information & Strategy
bubble curtain
Sea Bass ( lateolabrax japonicas)
fish densities
intercepting rate