
第二周期中国新生儿复苏项目实施效果评价 被引量:24

Evaluation on the second phase of Neonatal Resuscitation Program in China
摘要 目的评价第二周期中国新生儿复苏项目的实施效果。方法本研究分为信函调查和现场调查等2部分。(1)信函调查:随机调查国内(除西藏自治区和港澳台地区)的省、地市、县级医疗保健机构。收集新生儿复苏培训情况、设备配备情况以及2010年至2014年新生儿窒息发生和死亡数据。(2)现场调查:随机抽取4个省,每省随机抽取1所省级医疗保健机构,2所地市级(非省会城市)和2所县级医疗保健机构,通过现场调查的方法随机抽取该单位医务人员进行问卷调查,并进行操作技能考核。对所获得的数据采用趋势χ2检验进行统计学处理。 结果(1)信函调查共收集到347所医疗保健机构的数据,回收率为74.6%(347/465),97.5%(10 410/10 674)的产科、儿科医生和助产士接受了院内组织的培训,72.7%(7 765/10 674)接受过区县级及以上的培训。(2)在4个省的现场调查中,共随机抽取了205名医务人员进行问卷调查。其中85.4%(175/205)的医务人员接受过3次及以上的培训,52.7%(108/205)的医务人员最近一次培训总时长超过2 d,但是只有62.0%(127/205)的医务人员参加的培训能做到每套教具平均有不超过8人共同使用。对96名医务人员进行了现场操作考核。结果显示,所有医务人员总分均合格,各主要复苏步骤的平均得分均在1.5分以上,其中正确完成初步复苏步骤、正确操作或辅助气管插管、确定需要胸外按压和确定使用肾上腺素的指征等条目的平均得分较高,但复苏前准备、正压人工呼吸操作正确和小组配合的平均得分较低。(3)对347所医疗保健机构的调查数据显示,90%以上的产房配备了新生儿复苏气囊、新生儿面罩、气管插管和辐射保温台等基本的复苏设备,但脐静脉导管、T-组合复苏器和空氧混合仪的配备率较低,特别是区县级医疗保健机构。� Objective To evaluate the effects of the second phase of Neonatal Resuscitation Program (NRP) in China. Methods A mail survey and an onsite assessment were conducted to collect data. (1) Mail survey: Different levels of domestic hospitals (except those in Tibet, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan) were randomly selected to collect information on in-hospital NRP training, resuscitation equipments, incidence of birth asphyxia and neonatal mortality caused by birth asphyxia from year 2010 to 2014. (2) Onsite assessment: One provincial level, two prefecture level and two county level hospitals or healthcare institutions were randomly selected in four provinces. A questionnaire survey was conducted among randomly selected health workers including midwives, obstetricians and pediatricians. Megacode performance of those health workers was evaluated. Trend Chi-square test was used for statistical analysis. Results (1) Questionnaires were gathered from 347 hospitals via the mail survey with a response rate of 74.6% (347/465). In the 347 hospitals, 97.5% (10 410/ 10 674) of the obstetricians, paediatricians, and midwives received in-hospital training, and 72.7% (7 765/ 10 674) of them received training from county or above level. (2) In the onsite assessment of the four provinces, 205 health workers were randomly selected and completed the questionnaire survey. Among them, 85.4% (175/205) received training more than three times, 52.7% (108/205) received over two days of training in the previous training workshops, but only 62.0% (127/205) could share one set of training manikin with less than eight trainees in training workshops. Megacode performance of 96 hearth workers was evaluated. The results showed that all of the health workers were qualified in terms of total score and achieved an average score of over 1.5 in the performance of every primary resuscitation skill. Health workers attained relatively high scores in performing initial steps in resuscitation and tracheal intub
出处 《中华围产医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 2017年第5期346-351,共6页 Chinese Journal of Perinatal Medicine
关键词 新生儿窒息 复苏术 发病率 死亡率 治疗结果 Asphyxia neonatorum Resuscitation Incidence Mortality Treatment outcome
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