目的探讨肠道念珠菌感染的临床特点,为肠道念珠菌感染的诊断及治疗提供参考。方法对某医院57例肠道念珠菌感染住院患者病例资料进行统计分析。结果 57例患者年龄多集中在60岁以上及10岁以下,临床表现以腹痛、腹泻为主,大便性状以黄色稀糊便、胶胨样便多见,大便直接涂片检查100.0%阳性,有82.4%患者在发病前有抗菌药物应用史,感染的病原菌中白色念珠菌占56.1%。不同念珠菌耐药性存在较大差异,白色念珠菌对5种真菌药物耐药率低于其它念珠菌。结论肠道念珠菌感染多见于60岁以上老年人及10岁以下儿童,患者临床表现不具有特异性,抗菌药物的应用与感染关系密切,白色念珠菌是感染的主要病原菌,不同念珠菌真菌药物的耐药性存在较大差异,临床根据药敏试验合理用药十分重要。
Objective To explore the clinical characteristics ot intestinal Canclida infection, the reference provided for the diagnosis and treatment of Candida infection. Methods Statistic and analysis 57 cases of hospitalized patient data intestinal Candida infection in a certain hospital. Results The ages of these 57 patients were concentrated in over 60 years old and under the age of 10 with main clinical Symptoms such as abdominal pain, diarrrhea, stool trait which was more likely to be thin paste and in yellow, or seemed like glue and positive by the means of direct microscopic examinations. 82.4% patients have a history of antibacterial drugs before infection. Infection of pathogenic bacteria in Candida albicans accounts for 56.1%. There were large differences between different Canaida resistance. Candida albicans resistance to 5 kinds of antifungal drug was lower than other Candida. Conclusion Candida infection tends to be common in the old over 60 and children less than 10 years old. There is no specific clinical performance that can be used to diagnose. The application of antibiotics in infection is related to the main pathogenic bacteria in Candida albicans infection. There are large differences between resistance of different Candida fungus drug, so it is important for clinic rationally to use drug according to antimicrobial susceptibility test.
World Notes on Antibiotics