
大气CO2浓度升高对粘虫生长发育和繁殖的影响 被引量:7

Effects of the elevated atmospheric Carbon Dioxide levels on the growth,development and reproduction of Mythimna separata (Walker )( Lepidoptera:Noctuidae)
摘要 为明晰大气CO_2浓度升高对粘虫Mythimna separata(Walker)生长发育和繁殖的影响,在人工气候箱800μL/L与400μL/L两种不同CO_2浓度下,用人工饲料连续饲养粘虫3代后,分析其发育历期、体重、存活率等种群参数的变化。结果表明:不同CO_2浓度处理下各世代的粘虫均能正常发育,各虫态的发育历期为:幼虫>成虫>蛹>卵,幼虫1-3代的发育历期在两种CO_2浓度下差异达极显著水平(P<0.001);CO_2浓度倍增条件下的蛹重和成虫体重较对照条件下明显下降;CO_2浓度倍增对粘虫的性比影响不大,但可导致粘虫雌成虫寿命缩短,单雌平均产卵量和单雌日均产卵量下降。高CO_2浓度下第1代粘虫种群的平均世代周期(T)和种群加倍时间(DT)分别延长了1.19和1.24 d,1-2代粘虫的净生殖率(R0)、内禀增长率(rm)和周限增长率(λ)呈下降趋势,至第3代略有回升,但未达到显著性差异水平(P>0.05);高CO_2浓度条件下粘虫1-3代的存活率分别为44%、31%和33%,分别较对照条件下对应世代粘虫的存活率低10%、27%和22%,其中第2、3代粘虫的存活率在两种CO_2浓度条件下差异显著(P<0.05),第1代粘虫在高CO_2浓度下存活率明显下降,至第3代时逐渐趋于稳定,说明随着世代的延长,粘虫对高CO_2浓度的适应能力增强。 To clarify the effects of enriched atmospheric C02 levels on growth, development and fecundity of Mythimna separata (Wa lk e r), the insect which was the major agricultural, typical seasonal, long-distance migratory pest in China. The influence were examined in C02 artificial climate chambers under ambient (400 μL/L) and elevated C02 level (800μL/L) . This paper measured the developmental duration, survival rate, and reproduction and population parameters of successive three generation of the oriental armyworm. Pupa and adult weight loss is obviously. The results showed that each generation army worm under different C02 concentration treatment can grow and develop normally, the development stage order of this insect is larva 〉 adult 〉 pupa 〉 eggs. Compared to two kinds of C02 concentration, the larva 1-3 generation development period up to the level of the extremely significant different ( P 〈 0. 001) . Under the 800 uiyL atmospheric C02 concentration, the effect of sex ratio of armyworm is not obvious, but ifs can lead to life of female shortened, oviposition rate per female and daily oviposition rate per female decreased. In the 800 uL/L condition, generation span ( T) and time of double population size (DT) of the first generation were extend to 1. 19 d and 1. 24 d. The first and second generation’s population parameter of net reproductive rate (R0) , intrinsic growth rate ( r m) and DT showed downward trend,to the third generation slightly rebounded, but did not reach significant difference level (P 〉 0. 05) . Under the high C02 concentration 1-3 generation of survival rates were 44% , 31% and 33% . Compared with the corresponding generation under the low C02 concentration the survival rate is 10% , 27% and 22% , respectively. Among them the second and third generation armyworm survival rate under the condition of two kinds of C02 concentration reach a difference significant (〈 0? 05 ).The first generation survival rate
出处 《环境昆虫学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2017年第1期144-151,共8页 Journal of Environmental Entomology
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(31260450,30860069) 云南省科技人才培养计划项目(2013HB072) 云南省植保植检站项目
关键词 CO2浓度 粘虫 生长发育 繁殖力 CO2 concentration Mythimna separata growth and development reproduction
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