Effects of elevated CO2 on the foraging behavior of cotton bollworm Helicoverpa arrnigera Hübner reared on milky grains of spring wheat grown in ambient, 550μL/L and 750μL/L CO2 concentration atmospheres in open-top chambers (OTC) were studied. The results indicated that: (i) elevated CO2 significantly affected both the type and amount of food eaten by H.arrnigera reared on milky grains of ambient CO2-grown wheat were significant higher than those for bollworm larvae reared on wheat grains grown in 550 and 750μL/L CO2 atmospheres; (ii) when bollworm larvae were reared on mixed milky grains from different CO2-grown wheat (food-choice condition), larval duration increased significantly-pupal weight, adult longevity, and fecundity decreased significantly, comparing with those reared on milky grains of ambient CO2-grown wheat, 550μL/L CO2-grown wheat and 750μL/L CO2-grown wheat respectively; (iii) significant decreases in the contents of fructose and gross protein (GP) and significant increases in the contents of glucose, amylose, total saccharides (TSC), TSC: GP ratio, free amino acids and soluble protein in the wheat grains with CO2 rising; (iv) and selected-foraging amount/food-choice index of cotton bollworm H.armigera were significantly positive correlated with the contents of fructose and GP of wheat grains, but they had significantly negative relationships with the contents of glucose, amylose, TSC and TSC: GP ratio of wheat grains.
Huebner 在在成年的春小麦的似牛奶的谷物上饲养了的棉花 bollwormHelicoverpa 有佩带徽章权利的人的 foraging 行为上的提高的 CO_2 的效果周围,在开顶的房间(OTC ) 的 550 μ L /L and750 μ L /L CO_2 集中气氛被学习。结果显示了那:(ⅰ) 提高了显著地影响的 CO_2 吃的食物的类型和数量 byH。有佩带徽章权利的人一在周围的 CO_2-grown 小麦的似牛奶的谷物上高耸了比为幼虫在在 550 和 750 μ L /L CO_2 气氛种的小麦谷物上饲养了的一种蛾的幼虫的那些高重要;(ⅱ)当一种蛾的幼虫幼虫从不同 CO_2-grown 小麦( food-choicecondition )在混合似牛奶的谷物上被饲养时,幼虫的持续时间显著地增加了-蛹体重,成年长寿,和肥沃显著地减少了,与那些作比较在周围的 CO_2-grown 小麦的似牛奶的谷物上高耸了, 550 μL /L CO_2-grown 小麦和 750 μL /L CO_2-grown 小麦分别地;(ⅲ) 在 fructose 和总蛋白质和葡萄糖的内容的重要增加(GP ) 的内容的重要减少,直链淀粉,全部的糖类(TSC ) , TSC:在有 CO_2 升起的小麦谷物的 GP 比率,游离氨基酸和可溶性蛋白质;(ⅳ) 和精选牧草的 amount/food-choice 棉花一种蛾的幼虫 H 索引。有佩带徽章权利的人一是显著地积极的与 fructose 的内容和小麦谷物的 GP 相关,但是他们与葡萄糖,直链淀粉, TSC 和 TSC 的内容有显著地否定的关系:小麦谷物的 GP 比率。
Acknowledgments We are grateful to Mrs Ding Yu Lei, the dean of Beiai Science and Technology Center of Hebei Province for her help in the field 0TC experiments. This experiment was funded by the National Key Basic Research Project on pest management (G200016209) and Innovation Research of Chinese Academy of Science (Project KSCX2-01-02 and KSCX2-sw-103) and National Natural Science Foundation of China (39970137).