In the first half of the twentieth century,there had been a fierce debate between jurists and anthropologists on the ontology questions of legal concepts and terms.Max Gluckman,a British anthropologist,criticized the traditional quest on certainty of legal concepts from the perspective of social anthropology,and creatively advanced the interpretive paradigm of'ambiguity.'Taking the Barotse tribal society as the analysis object,through the approach of practical analysis of'status-title',Max Gluckman testified the real existence of legal concepts and terms of tribal society.The controversies between Max Gluckman and Paul Bohannan,which mainly focused on how to translate the legal concepts and terms of tribal society,demonstrated that the legal concepts and terms of tribal society were translatable.Max Gluckman’s academic research on the ontology questions of legal concepts and terms,which aimed to prove that the legal civilization of tribal society did not differ from that of western society,had made a great contribution to the construction of knowledge tradition of legal anthropology.
Ethno-National Studies