目的了解老年2型糖尿病患者的运动情况及其与糖尿病疗效指标的关系,为老年2型糖尿病患者的治疗提供科学的运动干预方案。方法收集青岛市开发区人民医院、黄岛区人民医院2015年3月到2016年9月1 650例老年2型糖尿病患者的临床资料,包括年龄、性别、婚况、收入情况、血压、血脂、血糖、体重指数(BMI)、运动情况进行统计分析。结果规律运动655名(39.70%),较少运动438名(26.55%),有时运动557名(33.76%)。不同年龄分组中60~69岁组规律运动475名(41.27%),70~79岁组中规律运动173名(37.61%),≥80岁组中规律运动7名(17.95%),年龄、婚况、家庭收入对运动习惯的影响有统计学意义(P<0.05)。规律运动组老年患者的FPG、2hBG、HbAlc、TG、TC、HDLC、LDL-C、BMI指标均优于有时运动组和较少运动组(P<0.01),血压方面组间未见统计学差异(P>0.05)。结论规律运动有助于改善老年2型糖尿病患者的健康状况,是预防和管理T2DM的一个关键要素。
Objective To understand the exercise condition of elderly type 2 diabetics and its relationship with diabetes therapeutic indexes, so as to provide scientific exercise intervention plan for them. Methods Clinical data were collected from 1 650 elderly type 2 diabetics in Huangdao district people's hospital and Development Zone people's hospital, Qingdao city from March 2015 to September 2016, including age, gender, marrital status, income, blood pressure, blood lipid, blood glucose, body mass index (BMI) exercise condition for analysis. Results Regular exercise : 655 (39.70 %), gentle exercise:438 (26.55%), irregular exercise: 557 (33.76%).Ratio of regular exercise person among different ages: 475 (41.27%)in 60-69,173(37.61%) in 70 79,and 7(17.95%) in 80 and above. The effect of age,marital status,family in come on exercise habits was statistically significant( P 〈0.05). The level of FPG, 2 h BG, HbAlc, TG,TC, HDL C, I.DI. C and BMI index of the regular exercise group was better than that of gentle exercise group and irregular exercise group( P 〈0.01). There was no significant difference in blood pressure. Conclusion Regular exercise can help to improve the health condition of elderly type 2 diabetics,which is a key element in the prevention and management of T2DM.
Preventive Medicine Tribune
Type 2 diabetic
Exercise habit
Elderly patient