In the eleventh year of Hongwu Era (1378), Zhu Yuanzhang, the Emperor Taizu of the Ming Dynasty, reassigned Zhu Su, his fifth son, the Prince of Wu as the Prince of Zhou, transferred his establishment to Kaifeng, and built his mansion on the old foundation of the imperial palace of the Song Dynasty. The site of the princely mansion is located at the present-day Longting Park of Kaifeng City, Henan, and now submerged in the Lakes Pan and Yang. From the site, remains of houses, corridors, gates, etc. were recovered and large amounts of pottery, porcelain and lacquered wooden wares were unearthed. The blue-and-white porcelain took the bulk of the unearthed porcelain wares, most of which were daily utensils, such as bowls, dishes, plates, cups, etc. This paper chose some of these blue-andwhite porcelain wares to present to the audience and made preliminary study on them. These porcelain wares provided physical materials for the research on the blue-and-white porcelains at the transitional period between the Ming and Qing Dynasties.
Cultural Relics