目的 :口腔组织病理学是理论与实践密切结合的一门课程,实验教学在病理教学中占有重要地位。本研究旨在摸索一套行之有效的实验教学方法和模式,有效提升口腔组织病理学实验教学质量及学生观察、思维、分析和解决问题的能力。方法:教研室通过自编并及时更新《口腔组织病理学实验教学指导》,出版实验课辅导书《口腔组织病理学实验与理论教学彩色袖珍图谱》,增加病例样本量,提高及增加教学切片及示教片的质与量,运用互联网+的新教学模式,营造自主学习环境,以机考代替单纯切片考试,建立新的实验课考核评价方法等一系列措施,打造全方位、多层次、立体化的实验教学模式。结果:学生对实验教学改革给予高度肯定,所采取的措施在丰富教学内容、激发学习兴趣、促进自主学习等方面起到了积极作用。机考在检验学生掌握专业知识的系统性及全面性方面显著优于传统考试(P<0.05)。结论:多举措并举有效提高了《口腔组织病理学》实验课的教学质量,使学生面对纷繁复杂的疾病有一个思路清晰、富有逻辑的思考,将学过的各科理论知识充分融会贯通。
PURPOSES: Oral histopathology is a course which needs to be combined with theory and practice closely. Experimental course plays an important role in teaching oral histopathology. Here, we aim to explore a series of effective measures to improve the teaching quality of experimental course and tried to train observation, thinking, analysis and problem solving skills of dental students. METHODS: We re-edited and updated the experimental textbook "guidelines of experimental course of oral histopathology", and published the reference book for experimental course-"color pocket atlas of oral histopathology: experiment and diadaetic teaching". The number of clinicopathological cases for presentation and class discussion was increased, and high-quality teaching slides were added and replaced the poor-quality or worn out slides. We established a variety of teaching methods based on the internet, which provided an environment of serfdirected learning for dental students. Instead of simple slice-reading examination, a new evaluation system based on computer was established. RESULTS: The questionnaire survey showed that the students spoke positively on the teaching reform for experimental course. They thought that the reform played a significant role in enriching the teaching content, motivating learning interest and promoting serf-study. Compared with traditional examination, computer-based examination showed a great advantage on mastering professional knowledge systematically and comprehensively. CONCLUSIONS: The measures adopted in our teaching reform not only effectively improve the teaching quality of experimental course of oral histopathology, but also help the students to have a clear, logical thinking when facing complicated diseases and have the ability to apply theoretical knowledge into clinical practice.
Shanghai Journal of Stomatology
Oral histopathology
Experimental course
Teaching reform