起重设备是炼钢生产中的重要运输设备,厂房桥架钢结构是支撑起重设备的重要结构件.某钢厂450 t桥式起重机在投入使用不久之后就出现啃轨、断轨异常现象,为探究其原因,首先对大车轨道标高进行实测,经测量发现相邻轨道高度差为59 mm.为探究此相邻轨道高度差对轮轨接触关系的影响利用有限元法对吊车满载正常工况和相邻轨道高度差异工况进行分析.结果表明在相邻轨道高度差异工况下吊车梁应力增大了31.03%,总变形量增大了52.07%,分析结果给出了轮轨接触关系不协调的定量解.
Lifting equipment is an important transport equipment in steel production, and workshop bridge steel structure is one of the important structural support lifting equipments. The gnawing rail and rail abnormal phenomenon appeared to a bridge crane of 450 tons soon after its use at a steel plant. In order to explore its causes, the elevation of the track was measured firsdy. The height difference between adjacent orbits was found to be 59 ram. In order to investigate the influence of the height difference of the adjacent track on the wheel-rail contact relationship, the finite element method was used to analyze the fuU load normal working conditions and the height difference between adjacent rails. The results show that the stress of the crane beam increased by 31.03% and the total deformation in- creased by 52.07% under different height of adjacent orbits. The quantitative analysis of the wheel-rail contact relation was presented.
Journal of Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology