目的 研究人乳头状瘤病毒 (HPV)与促癌物协同作用在scid小鼠体内诱发人胚宫颈细胞的恶性转化。方法 包装制备含HPV1 6E6E7逆转录病毒 ,感染人胚宫颈细胞 ,按分组将所需细胞移植于scid小鼠右侧肩部皮下 ,共分 4组 :实验组为感染病毒的宫颈细胞 +亚精胺 +正丁酸组 ,共 7只 ;病毒组为感染病毒的宫颈细胞组 ,共 5只 ;促癌组为正常宫颈细胞 +亚精胺 +正丁酸组 ,共 5只 ;对照组为正常宫颈细胞组 ,共 4只。按实验要求于移植第 3日起在小鼠左侧肩部皮下注射亚精胺和正丁酸 ,每周 1次。观察 1 2周后处死动物 ,如发生肿瘤 ,则对瘤组织行病理诊断 ,并作PCR检测HPV1 6E6E7基因。结果 实验组成瘤比例为 5/ 7,其他 3组成瘤率皆为 0 ,实验组肿瘤的病理学检查证实为肉瘤 ,应用PCR方法在肿瘤组织中检测到HPV1 6E6E7基因。结论 宫颈细胞在感染含HPV1 6E6E7基因的逆转录病毒后 。
Objective To study the effect of human papillomavirus (HPV) and tumour promoters spermidine (SPD and N butyrate) on malignant transformation of human embryo cervical cells. Methods Plasmid HPV16E6/E7 was constructed and transfected into human embryo cervical cells obtained by induced labor from pregnant women with severe heart diseases. Twenty one scid mice were divided into 4 groups: experimental group ( n =7, incubated subcutaneously with the transfected cervical cells at the right shoulder, and then injected subcutaneously with spermidine and N butyrate at the left shoulder three days after the incubation once a week for 12 times), virus infected group B ( n =5, incubated subcutaneously with transfected cervical cell only), tumor promoter group ( n =5, incubated with untransfected cervical cells and SPD and N butyrate), and control group ( n =4, incubated subcutaneously with only untransfected cervical cells). Twelve weeks after incubation, the mice were killed. Pathological rexamination was conducted to detect the existence of tumor. PCR was used to detect HPV16E6/E7 gene in tumor tissues. Result Tumor, diagnosed as fibrosarcoma by pathology, was found in 5 out of the 7 mice in the experimental group. The tumor forming rate was 0 in other groups. Expression of HPV16E6/E7 gene was detected in tumour tissues by PCR. Conclusion HPV16E6/E7 gene containing retrovirus infection, synergized by spermidine and N butyrate acid, causes malignant transformation in human cervical cells.
National Medical Journal of China
国家自然科学基金重大项目基金资助课题(39830 380 )