针对振动分析在风力发电机状态检测及故障定位中的作用,设计了基于ADXL335三轴加速度传感器的振动采集系统,并通过STM32实现模数转换。对信号采集过程中出现的频率混叠,设计了六阶巴特沃斯低通滤波器,采用Savitzky-Golay平滑算法对信号中掺杂的噪声进行去噪。测试结果表明:所设计滤波器可有效滤除600 Hz以上的信号,振动加速度的误差可控制在0.5%以内;Savitzky-Golay平滑算法可有效消除信号中的噪声。
Aiming at the role of vibration analysis in the condition detection and fault location of wind turbine, the vibration acquisition system is designed based on ADXL335 three axis acceleration sensor, STM32 is used for analog digital conversion. For the frequency aliasing in the process of signal acquisition, a six order Butterworth low-pass filter was designed,and the Savitzky-Golay smoothing algorithm is used for noise signal elimination. Tests indicate the designed filter can effectively filter out the noise signals of above 600 Hz;vibration acceleration error can be controlled within 0.5% ;Savitzky-Golay smoothing algorithm can effectively eliminate the noise in the signal.
Chinese Journal of Electron Devices