通过对澳大利亚Hawsons磁铁精矿进行理化性能测定、矿物组成分析及颗粒形貌观察以及球团实验室试验,研究了Hawsons磁铁精矿的品质以及用作球团原料时的各项性能。结果表明,Hawsons磁铁精矿铁品位高达70.58%,w(SiO_2)为1.88%,w(Al_2O_3)非常低,仅为0.3%,其他杂质质量分数也很低。Hawsons磁铁精矿粒度100%小于0.045 mm,比表面积为1 910 cm^2/g,成球性好。膨润土配比为0.8%时,生球强度可以满足生产要求。1 230℃焙烧20 min,球团矿的抗压强度可达到3 000 N/球以上。球团矿铁品位为67.53%,w(SiO_2)为2.43%;而且还原度(RI)高、低温还原粉化指数(RDI)和体积膨胀指数(RSI)低,是一种优质的球团矿。
Characteristics and pelletizing performances of Australian Hawsons magnetite concentrate are investigated through physical and chemical properties measurement,mineral composition analysis and particle morphology observation,and systematic pelletizing test. The results revealed that the Fe grade of Hawsons magnetite concentrate is high at70.58%,with w(SiO2) of 1.88%,w(Al2O3) of only 0.3%,and other impurities with very low content. The particle size of Hawsons magnetite concentrate is very small with 100% passing 0.045 mm,and the Blaine specific surface area is about1 910 cm^2/g. Balling Hawsons magnetite concentrate with 0.8% of bentonite can meet the requirement of production process on the green pellet strength. After indurating at 1 230 ℃ for 20 mins,a high quality pellet with CCS over 3000 N per pellet can be produced. The final pellet has a very high Fe grade at 67.45% and low w(SiO2) at 2.43% with high RI,moderate RDI and low RSI.
Iron and Steel