Due to the absence of general exceptions similar to Article XX of GATT 1994,the Appellate Body adopted the legitimate regulatory distinction exception test to determine the"no less favourable"requirement under Article 2. 1 of TBT Agreement( National Treatment Principle) to preserve Members' regulatory autonomy. According to this test,if the detrimental impact caused by the technical regulation to the imported products stems exclusively from legitimate regulatory distinction,the technical regulation shall not be determined to violate the"no less favourable"requirement. However,it is doubtful that this test can truly maintain Members' regulatory autonomy,given its ambiguity and contradiction as well as Members' different regulatory spaces on the same subject resulting from different legal interpretations under Article 2. 1 of TBT Agreement and Article III: 4 of GATT1994. In order to cope with legitimate regulatory distinction exception test,China should make preparations for the participation strategy in future TBT disputes and the enactment of technical regulations.
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