Diamond copper has a high thermal conductivity and low expansion coefficient, which can be used in the cooling heat sink of high power chips. The surface of the un-plated diamond is very smooth and can not be attached to other metals. Diamond is not easy to be surface treated by strong acid and strong alkali due to its stable properties. Diamond was coarsened with the JG-01 diamond copper coarsening treatment solution. The copper was not damaged, and the surface adhesion of the diamond was enhanced. The wettability of diamond copper coatings to gold tin (AuSn) and lead tin (PbSn) solders satisfied the requirements of GJB548B-2005. The junction temperature of the GaN power amplifier chips using diamond copper as the heat sink can be reduced by 12 ~C than that using Cu/Mo/Cu as the heat sink. Due to the nice wettability of the diamond copper carrier coating, the hole rate of the chip bottom after welding was less than or equal to 3%, and the hole rate of the heat sink after welding was less than or equal to 5%, which satisfied the cooling requirements of high power chips. According to environment adaptation requirements of the product, the high-low temperature shock and mechanical vibration envi- ronment screening experiments of the GaN power amplifier were carried out, satisfying the requirements of reliability assesement.
Semiconductor Technology