
美国高校兼职教师的兴起、争议及启示 被引量:4

Research on the Rise,Controversy and Revelation of Part-time Teachers in American Universities
摘要 兼职教师的兴起成为近年美国高等教育发展的特征之一,也引发强烈的社会争议。高校雇佣兼职教师能够在短期内降低办学成本,却容易伤害教师合法权益与工作积极性,从而威胁高等教育的长远利益,人们对兼职教师是否应转为终身制教师缺乏共识。兼职教师问题反映出不同群体对大学教师与高等教育的存在价值有着不同的理解,未来应建立一种多元协商机制来寻求差异之上的共识。 The rise of part-time teachers to become one of the important characteris-tics of American higher education development in recent years,it also raises a strong socialcontroversy. The employment of part-time teachers in colleges and universities can reducethe cost of running a school in a short time,but it is easy to hurt the legitimate rights and in-terests of teachers and work,thus threatening the long-term interests of higher education.The problem of part-time teachers reflects that different groups have different understand-ings of the existence value of university teachers and higher education. In the future,amulti-consultative mechanism should be established to seek the consensus on difference.
作者 张伟
出处 《外国教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第3期71-80,共10页 Studies in Foreign Education
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目"‘一带一路’战略中扩大教育开放研究"(课题批准号:VGA150001)
关键词 美国 高校教师 兼职教师 教师聘任制 终身教职制度 United States university teacher part-time teacher teacher appointment tenure system
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