基于加拿大皇家内科和外科医师学会(RCPSC)发布的Can MEDS框架,加拿大家庭医师学会(CFPC)修订了Can MEDS-FM框架(Can MEDS-family Medicine)。本文介绍了Can MEDS-FM框架中阐述的全科医师在提供综合性、持续性的照顾与实践时所需的4个基本原则和7种岗位胜任力,并结合全科医师在儿科实践中的实例,具体分析如何培训、评估全科医师不同的岗位胜任力,以期达到改善全科医师对患者的照顾质量,确保全科医学领域的毕业后培训紧贴社会的需要这一终极目标。
Based on the framework of Can MEDS released by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada( RCPSC),the College of Family Physicians of Canada( CFPC) revised the Can MEDS-FM framework( Can MEDS- family Medicine). The paper describes the four basic principles and seven post competencies( interpreted in the Can MEDS-FM framework) required by the general practitioners in providing comprehensive and ongoing care and practice, and detailedly analyzes how to train and assess post competencies of the general practitioners combined with the living examples in pediatric practices. Thus the paper hopes to achieve the final goal of improving general practitioners' quality of care towards patients and make sure the post- graduate training in the field of general medicine is in keeping with the needs of society.
Chinese General Practice