SPSS(Statistical Product and Service Solutions)软件功能强大,是广泛应用于统计运算和数据分析的重要科研手段之一。一般情况下,该软件常被用于回归分析、假设检验等常规领域,而SPSS 20.0新增加的统计地图功能却鲜为人知。以江西省各设区市2016年1-4月主要经济指标增长和2014年江西省的产业结构为例,详细介绍SPSS21.0中文版中分级统计地图和图表统计地图的应用。
Statistical product and service solutions (SPSS) is a powerful software and which is widely used in statistical computation and data analysis. In general, the software is often used in regression analysis and hypothesis test while few people know the statistical map function of SPSS 20.0. The major economic indicators of growth of Jiangxi province from January to April in 2016 and industrial structure of Jiangxi province in 2014 are taken as an example to show how to use SPSS 21.0 Chinese version to make statistical maps and charts.
Journal of Hebei Software Institute