
Zmu-1:DHP近交系豚鼠的培育及其分子遗传结构初步鉴定 被引量:5

Breeding of Zmu-1: DHP inbred strain guinea pig and preliminary analysis of molecular genetic structure of the strain
摘要 目的培育近交系豚鼠品系,建立检测豚鼠遗传结构的微卫星分子标记。方法采取近交与回交、单线与优选繁育、选择与淘汰等方法,试图将Zmu-1:DHP远交系豚鼠培育成Zmu-1:DHP近交系豚鼠。用15对已筛选出的豚鼠多态性微卫星引物(另行报道),对该近交系及参照的Zmu-1:DHP远交系和Zmu-2:DHP近交系豚鼠DNA样本进行PCR,通过产物电泳条带分析相关品系的遗传结构,评价各品系遗传纯合性。同样方法研究Zmu-1:DHP近交系各支系豚鼠的遗传结构,评价各支系的遗传纯合性。结果经过13年培育,获得8个20代以上的近交豚鼠支系(窝),每个支系分别有1-3只。经鉴定,Zmu-1:DHP近交2系的基因频率达到86.7%,分别高于Zmu-1:DHP远交系的6.7%及Zmu-2:DHP近交系的66.7%;其位点平均基因数为1.13个,分别低于Zmu-1:DHP远交系的2.47个及Zmu-2:DHP近交系的1.33个;Zmu-1:DHP近交系基因型频率也高于其他品系。Zmu-1:DHP近交系的基因类型均包含在Zmu-1:DHP远交系的基因内,但缺少Zmu-2:DHP近交系所携带的2个特征基因。Zmu-1:DHP近交系8个支系的基因纯合率各不相等,第2、8支系基因纯合率较高。结论 Zmu-1:DHP近交系与Zmu-1:DHP远交系之间既有同源性,又有特异性,Zmu-1:DHP近交系第2支系基本培育成新的近交系豚鼠,多个近交支系的形成有利于筛选具优势性状的支系。Zmu-2:DHP黑色近交系携带白色品系未有的微卫星标记,可能携有与毛色性状关联的优越性状基因。 Objective To breed a guinea pig inbred strain and set up a method for detection of the microsatellite markers of genetic structure in guinea pigs. Method Using inbreeding methods we try to breed the Zmu-1: DHP inbred strain. With 15 pairs of polymorphism microsatellite primers,the genetic homozygosity of Zmu-1: DHP inbred strain,Zmu-1: DHP outbred strain and Zmu-2: DHP inbred strain( as control) were examined by PCR. Results After breeding for 13 years,8 sublines of Zmu-1: DHP inbred strain( 20 generations) were bred. After identification,the gene frequency of the second subline of Zmu-1: DHP inbred strain was 86. 7%,higher than Zmu-1: DHP outbred strain( 6. 7%) and Zmu-2:DHP inbred strain( 66. 7%). The average number of loci of Zmu-1: DHP inbred strain was 1. 13,lower than that of Zmu-1: DHP outbred strain( 2. 47%) and Zmu-2: DHP inbred strain( 1. 33%). The genotypic frequency of Zmu-1: DHP inbred strain was also higher than that of the other strains. The gene types of Zmu-1: DHP inbred strain were included in the genes of Zmu-1: DHP outbred strain,but Zmu-1: DHP inbred strain was short of 2 characteristic genes. The gene homozygous rates of 8 sublines of Zmu-1: DHP inbred strain were different with each other,among them,those of the 2nd and 8thsublines were higher than others. Conclusions There are both homozygosity and specificity in the Zum-1: DHP inbred strain and Zum-1: DHP outbred strain. The second Zum-1: DHP subline becomes a new inbred strain guinea pig. It is essential that the subline with the characteristic property is screened from these sublines. The guinea pigs of black Zmu-2:DHP inbred strain carrying microsatellite markers not present in the white strains,may carry optimal genes related with hair color properties.
出处 《中国实验动物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第1期90-96,共7页 Acta Laboratorium Animalis Scientia Sinica
基金 卫生部科学研究基金(编号98-2-323)
关键词 近交系豚鼠 微卫星分子标记 遗传结构 Inbred strain guinea pig Microsatellite marker Genetic structure
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