
专业话语:实践描述与思维构建--关于当代图书馆活动的若干思考 被引量:19

Professional Terminology,a Description of the Practice and the Concept Structure: Some Thoughts Concerning Contemporary Library Activities
摘要 当代图书馆活动在遭受计算机信息技术冲击后发生了变异,非专业学科话语侵蚀了图书馆学的传统领地,导致专业活动迷失了发展方向,在社会大潮中随波逐流,图书馆工作的重心飘忽不定。重申专业话语的价值,明晰图书馆活动范畴中基础语词的专业内涵,才能重构图书馆人的专业思维。需要以专业活动的实践为基础,寻求文献社会化管理发展的专业方法进步,探索图书馆事业的未来。 Following the development of computer information management and network communication technology, major changes emerged in the contemporary library research field. Although a quick disappearance was predicted, libraries are still flourishing all around the world. However, research in the Library Science decreased over the time and there was also a decrease in the use of traditional library terminology in professional publications. As the same time, terms used in Computer Science, Information Science, Sociology, Psychology, as well as in General Education and Political Science became more prevalent in the library's professional publications. The value of the modern library's existence resides in improving the usage of society's research resources. It reflects the basic theory of the society's marketing economy: using minimal resource input to reach maximum benefit in resource utilization. As long as there's no fundamental change in the form of social activities, this theory is suitable for all fields and activities in the society. The main functions modern libraries perform include the following: systematically collecting resource materials, collecting external and internal features of the resource format for collection management, and using various methods to arrange and organize the collected information. It is only after all these steps are systematically completed that the library can provide its service. The level that various libraries are able to organize and manage information determines the level of service these libraries can provide. ' To librarians, the concept of "literature" originally meant the traditional books, gradually the concept evolved to cover all written materials in paper format. With the development of digital storing methods of "literature", terms with much broader definitions such as "information", "knowledge", "resource" started to become mainstream terms used in the material management activities in the library. Hence the focus in professional r
作者 王宗义 WANG Zongyi
机构地区 上海图书馆
出处 《中国图书馆学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第2期13-23,共11页 Journal of Library Science in China
关键词 图书馆活动 文献 信息 知识 资源 专业话语 专业思维 信息技术 实证研究 Library activities. Literature. Information. Knowledge. Resources. Specialized terms. Specializedthinking process. Information technology. Factual-orientated research.
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