中国石化镇海炼化分公司为生产满足国Ⅴ排放标准柴油引进壳牌标准催化剂公司最新研发的DN-3636催化剂,并在3.0 Mt/a柴油加氢装置上进行了工业应用。标定结果表明,当装置进料掺炼12.8%催化裂化柴油及17.4%焦化柴油的工况下,在反应器入口温度为340℃、出口温度为380℃、反应器床层平均温度为367℃、氢油体积比为300、体积空速1.74h^(-1)、反应器入口压力为6.09 MPa的条件下,能够生产出硫质量分数6.3μg/g的满足国Ⅴ排放标准的车用柴油,精制柴油密度(20℃)降低20.6kg/m^3,十六烷值提高3.8个单位,多环芳烃降低9.3百分点。
DN-3636 catalyst of the Criterion Company was adopted in a 3.0 Mt/a diesel oil hydrotrea- ting unit in SINOPEC Zhenhai Refining and Chemical Company to produce the diesel meeting the re- quirements of the national standard (Phase V ). The results show that at the working conditions of feed blended with FCC LCO (12.8%) and coking diesel (17.4%),the sulfur content in the hydrotreated diesel is 6.3 μg/g at reactor inlet temperature 340 ℃ ,the outlet temperature 380 ℃ ,the average temper- ature 367 ℃, H2/oil volume ratio of 300, reaction pressure 6.09 MPa, LHSV 1.74 h-1. Diesel density de- creases by 20.6 kg/ma ,the cetane number increases by 3.8 units, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons decreases by 9.3 %.
Petroleum Processing and Petrochemicals