A liquid future market serves not only to reduce the transaction cost and discover price,but also helps design investment strategies and lower risk for investors. But the effective transaction cost is usually hard to measure due to the incompleteness of data and we need to estimate the effective transaction cost. Liquidity is the key indicator of future market's efficiency and the key challenge is to identify good measures of liquidity. A growing literature has focused on the effect of liquidity( and transaction cost) on expected stock return in both academia and financial industry but there is no systematic research on the liquidity effects in the future market. Therefore we need to propose a model to liquidity from the perspective of market micro-structure and asset pricing perspective and to study if liquidity is priced cross-sectionally in the future market. High frequency data contains large amount of information and we need to focus on the research questions,such as the characteristic and measure of liquidity and effect of liquidity and transaction cost in the future market.Therefore we propose a sequential trading model by using the Bayesian method to compare different measures of liquidity and choose the best measure of transaction cost. Then the measures are corrected for information asymmetry and micro-structure noise. Combined with realized return with transaction costs,we come up with an asset pricing model which also accounts for the economics of scale and cyclical effect in the future market. The data comes from Chinese Future Market.We show that liquidity measure based on Bayesian estimation using high-frequency data have large advantages over the traditional method of moments. The empirical results are as follows: Order has a significant price impact and it means private information is incorporated in the order. Liquidity measures based on complete model and transaction data are better since they have a higher correlation compared with the estimation of defined method. Transaction cost is
Journal of Management Science
trading cost
asset pricing
Bayesian parameter estimation
high frequency transaction data