Prospective memory is remembering to do something at a future time. In this study we adopt dual task paradigm and used ERPs to investigate how the difficulties of the ongoing activity affect the strategically process- ing of prospective memory. The ongoing activity is tested by n-back task, when the prospective cues were pre- sented. The participant should do the prospective task. The experiment included three conditions: control condi- tion, low difficulty (1-back PM) condition, and high difficulty (3-back PM) condition. The behavior date suggest- ed that the reaction time of the ongoing task is longer than prospective task, and as the difficulties increasing, the RT is increasing. The ERPs data indicate that the latency of the N300 in higher difficulty ongoing task is shorter than that is in lower difficulty ongoing task, whereas the peak amplitude of N300 in higher difficulty con- dition is smaller than lower difficulty condition. The average amplitude of the prospective positive in higher diffi- culty ongoing activity condition is larger than that is in lower difficulty ongoing task condition. These results sug- gested that the prospective memory processing needs cognitive resource, and that the cognitive resource allocation is moderated by the difficulty of ongoing activity. When the difficulty of ongoing activity is increasing, the prospective cue is processed with priority, and this reults that less cognitive resource are engaged in the target monitor. However, in the phase of prospective cue identifying and intention retrieval, more cognitive resources are engaged in identifying the prospective cue to ensure that the prospective memory is completed smoothly.
Studies of Psychology and Behavior
prospective memory, ongoing activity, strategically processing, N300, prospective positive.