
师生合作视角下翻转课堂实施的博弈论分析 被引量:3

An Analysis on Application of 'Flipped Classroom' Based on Game Theory from Perspective of Teachers and Students Cooperation
摘要 翻转课堂在实施过程中存在着诸多问题和争议。从博弈论的角度分析,只有师生相互理解、充分合作、平等互动,教师才愿意采取翻转式教授、学生才愿意采用主动式学习,即翻转课堂才能取得较好实施效果。基于序贯行动和同时行动下的师生博弈策略互动及选择,教师需要扩展学情分析的外延,调整翻转深度和维度,确定翻转内容和流程,完善学习评价机制,实现学科体系内规模效益,发挥学习效应,以助于该教学模式的推广与长远发展。 There exist many problems and disputes in the application of the flipped classroom model. According to the perspective of the game theory,only both teachers and students are willing to understand each other,willing to cooperate fully with each other and willing to interactive equally with each other,can the teachers be willing to take the mode of the flipped classroom teaching and the students willing to take the mode of active learning. Only in this way,will the mode of the flipped classroom achieve a successful effect. Based on the interaction and choice of the strategies by teachers and students in sequential games and simultaneousmove games,teachers should expand the extension of learning situation,adjust the depth and dimension of the flip,make sure the content and process of the flip,improve the mechanism of learning evaluation,realize the economies of scale in the discipline system and give a full play of the learning effect,and all of them integrated together can contribute to the popularization and a long-term development of this teaching model.
作者 程颖
出处 《杭州电子科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 2016年第3期67-71,78,共6页 Journal of Hangzhou Dianzi University:Social Sciences
基金 浙江省高等教育课堂教学改革项目(kg2015137)
关键词 翻转课堂 师生合作 博弈论 序贯行动 同时行动 flipped classroom cooperation between teachers and students game theory sequential games simultaneous-move games
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