以我国公共图书馆创客空间更好地服务于未成年人为目的 ,围绕国外公共图书馆创客空间为未成年人服务的理念,从活动计划和空间建设、图书馆组织对服务创新的支持和人员配置三个方面分析阐述以美国为主的国外公共图书馆创客空间为未成年人进行服务的政策和案例,并在用户群体划分、开展各类活动和馆员培训与考核几个方面提出了改进建议。
In order to improve service for the minors in Chinese public library's makerspace, this paper concerns with the overseas value of serving the minor, states some policies and cases in respect of activities and space design, support for novelty and librarian among the world's libraries, especially those in the United States. And it gives advices in reader groups" differentiation, activities, librarian training and measures for public library's mak- erspace in China to achieve its purpose.
Library Research