基于Zr高温还原锐钛型TiO_2法,制备出了电催化材料Ti_4O_7,并用XRD和SEM技术对样品的组成、形貌进行了表征。结果表明,在氩气气氛下,反应温度为1 050℃,反应时间为8h,Zr和TiO_2的摩尔比为1∶3时可以得到较为纯净的Ti_4O_7。以自制Ti_4O_7/Ti电极为阳极,Pt电极为阴极,恒电流0.3A,电流密度为0.15A/cm2条件下电解处理2,4-二氨基甲苯(TDA)废水,结果表明,Ti_4O_7/Ti电极对TDA废水具有一定催化作用,反应180min,废水TDA去除率为62.0%,COD去除率为40.3%。
The electric catalytic material Ti407 was prepared by Zr reducing anatase TiO2 in high temperature. The compositions and morphologies of sample were characterized by XRD and SEM techniques. The results showed that the relatively pure Ti4O7 can be obtained when reaction temperature was 1 050 ℃, reaction time was 8h and the molar ratio of Zr : TiO2 was 1 : 3, in Ar atmosphere, respectively. Moreover, the 2, 4-diaminotoluene (TDA) wastewater was treated by electrolysis, using the self-made Ti4O7/Ti electrode as anode and Pt electrode as cathode, and the current was controlled at 0.3 A,the current density was 0.15 A/cm2. The results showed that the Ti4O7/Ti electrode has the certain catalysis for the TDA wastewater. The removal rate of TDA wastewater and COD can reach 62% and 40.3%, when reaction time was 180 min.
Journal of Functional Materials