The Lancang - Mekong River runs through six nations and embraces enormous potential for navigation. Due to the blockage of the Khone Fails, goods cannot be shipped directly from ports of the Lancang/Upper Mekong to ports on the Lower Mekong yet ; however, international shipping among China, Myanmar, Laos and Thailand around the Upper Mekong and Cambodia and Vietnam in its lower basin have been conducted respectively over 15 years. With the construction of China - Indochina Peninsula Economic Corridors under the Belt and Road Initiative put forward by China, here comes not only the historical opportunity to break through the "Blockage" of the Khone Falls, upgrade the navigable waterways and implement direct shipping among six nations in the basin but also the requirements for rule of international law concerning shipping on the Lan- cang- Mekong River. In the important realm of carriage of goods, the legal systems of the six na- tions on contracts for carriage of goods differentiate from each other, which difference may result in conflict of laws in international shipping activities and hamper international trade and economic relations. To coordinate such conflict of laws, it is suggested to establish uniform rules, in the man- ner which the six nations have adopted in unifying their maritime administrative law, on the con- tract for the carriage of goods on the Lancang - Mekong River whose articles can be formulated by reference to those in the Budapest Convention on the Contract for the Carriage of Goods by Inland Waterways.
Law Science Magazine
the Belt and Road Initiative
the Lancang -Mekong River
conflict of laws with respect to carriage of goods
uniform rules on the contract for the carriage of goods on the Lancang-Mekong River
international rule of law