
西南冷凉高地‘红富士’苹果不同采收时间和套袋对果实品质的影响 被引量:27

Effects of harvest time and fruit bagging treatments on the fruit quality of‘Red Fuji'grown in the cold highland in southwest China
摘要 【目的】了解不同采收时间和套袋与否对果实品质的影响,为当地确定‘红富士’苹果的最佳采收时间和推行无袋化栽培提供依据。【方法】以西南冷凉高地苹果主产区云南省昭通地区的‘红富士’苹果为研究对象,采用生理生化分析方法,对不同采收时间及果实套袋与否的样品进行了果实成熟度、果肉硬度、可溶性固形物含量、可溶性糖含量、可滴定酸含量、维生素C含量、水分含量、固酸比等理化指标进行测定分析,比较各个样品之间的品质差异。【结果】(1)套袋果实固酸比低于不套袋果实,不套袋果实内在品质、风味均优于套袋果实。(2)在一定时间范围内,采收时间越晚,果实风味越佳。9月中旬为‘红富士’苹果可采成熟时期,10月上旬为果实的可食成熟时期,10月中旬为果实的生理成熟时期。(3)各个时期,套袋与不套袋‘红富士’苹果均有较好的内在品质,内在品质指标均能达到国家《鲜苹果》质量标准,酸甜适度,属于苹果中的优质果品。(4)各个采收时间的套袋果实成熟期比不套袋果实成熟期均提前1周左右。(5)10月下旬至11月上中旬采收的果实,平均固酸比和糖酸比分别达到56.1和54.5,普遍具有糖心现象,内在理化指标组合及口感风味最佳,是昭通‘红富士’苹果鲜食果实的最佳采收时间。【结论】套袋与不套袋‘红富士’苹果果实品质均较好,没有差异。从生产成本、环境污染、自然生态角度考虑,在该地区可以逐步取消苹果套袋。生理成熟期以后的一定时间范围内,在低纬度、高海拔冷凉气候条件下形成的‘红富士’糖心苹果品质极好。 【Objective】Zhaotong municipality is a apple-producing area, covers mostly the flatland of Zhaoyang and Ludian. The annual average temperature in this area is 11.7 ℃, with a low annual range but a high daily range. The accumulated temperature greater than or equal to 10 ℃ in this area is 3 237-3 477 ℃. The climate is of the central temperate climate, with annual sunshine of 1 916.7 h, 230-240frost-free days, and an annual average rainfall of about 740 mm. With a cultivation history of 76 years,Zhaotong is now the largest high quality apple region in southern China. The successful cultivation of apple in Zhaotong proves that fruits in Northern China can also be cultivated in Southern China. With the introduction of apple cultivation to the southwest of China, the high altitude and cool temperature prove to be advantageous for apple cultivation and the development of apple cultivation will play a more impor-tant role in local economic construction. Because of history and tradition, apple cultivation technology and research in our country is mainly based on that in the north. Reports about apple cultivation in the west and the southwest are not frequently seen, and there has no reports about the internal quality of the apples produced in areas of high altitude and cool temperature in southwest China. This study evaluates the influence of harvesting time and bagging treatments on the quality of apple, so as to provide reference for apple cultivation in areas with high altitude and cool temperature.【Methods】‘Red Fuji'apple were sampled from orchards that are typical of the area. Traditionally,‘Red Fuji'apple in Zhaotong are harvested for three times, the early September, around October 1st(around the Mid-Autumn Festival), and the early to mid October. We collected bagged fruit and unbagged fruit 15 days before each traditional harvest time for quality analysis. Since the so-called"sugar-cored"apple fruit are populous among consumers, we also took fully mature un-bagged fruit samples in the
出处 《果树学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第2期196-203,共8页 Journal of Fruit Science
基金 昭通市人民政府2015苹果产业专项
关键词 '红富士’苹果 西南冷凉高地 采收时间 果实套袋 果实品质 ‘Red Fuji'apple Southwest cold highland Harvest time Fruit bagged Fruit quality
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