Ray Chen,中文名陈国辉,他在台湾的早期陶瓷培训主要集中于探讨中国宋代的陶瓷美学,这些经典的釉色和造型也为他的创作注入养分。1991年,Ray移居美国,在俄亥俄大学完成了两年半的基础课程,并于1997年从纽约的罗切斯特理工学院的陶瓷雕塑系毕业,从那时起,Ray一直致力于教学以及参观艺术家讲座和参加众多国际陶瓷工作坊,很少有艺术家有一个可以与他相比的展览记录。目前,他是一家美国画廊的执行董事和策展人,该画廊是Swope艺术博物馆在印第安纳州的一部分,专注于从该地区和其他地方盛行的当代艺术。
As an artist, Ray Chen is willing to share his creating process,and also have discussion on how to look into modern art and the key method to improve visual language. He has considered sculpting as a language to go across the eastern and western world. What he has explored in forms, space and lines has formed another language for express his feeling and experience. He has found out value from outer or inner space, lines.
Ceramic Studies