In order to improve the fruit picking robot and automation level, improve the robot's real-time communication and online control ability, remote control of robot operation process, has brought the OFDM-MIMO model in communica- tion system of the picking robot, and mobile 4G technology applied to the design of the robot, breaking the robot control distance constraints, the realization of the robot cross regional wireless communication. The robot uses the vision sensor and 4G network to collect and transmit the image, and the image data can be displayed on the remote browser side in real time, so it is easy to grasp the robot operation information. When a signal when the robot collision sensor, you can use the OFDM-MIMO channel model for image, transmission, and collected by the vision sensor image information is trans- mitted to the remote control end, picking errors when can timely adjust the robot state, to achieve control of the fruit picking online. Finally design the experimental prototype robot, and the robot's fruit localization ability and communica- tion ability is studied by experiment and simulation. From the experiment and the simulation results show that, the robot can effectively identify the common fruit and bagging fruit and communication test, simulation and measurement test re- suits are in good agreement, thus validating the reliability results, verify the OFDM-MIMO model in picking robot com- munication system the feasibility.
Journal of Agricultural Mechanization Research