为研究猪流行性腹泻病毒(PEDV)CV777疫苗毒株与流行毒株的遗传变异和抗原位点的差异性,以RT-PCR进行PEDV CV777疫苗株和JS2016流行株S、M、N 3个基因的克隆测序,进行PEDV S、M、N 3个基因的核酸序列同源性分析,并通过软件比对CV777与JS2016毒株在这3个基因上的抗原差异。S、M、N基因的同源性分析表明流行毒株与CV777存在变异,但同源性在93%以上;免疫原性预测结果显示2个毒株在S、M、N 3个基因上的抗原区域存在较小的差异。
To carry out the genetic variation and diversity of antigenic sites between CV777 vaccine strain and epidemic strain of porcine epidemic diarrhoea virus,RT-PCR was used to clone the S,M and N genes of PEDV CV777 vaccine strain and JS2016 strain, then the PCR products were sequenced for analyzing the nu- cleotide sequences and antigenic sites.The nucleotide sequence of CV777 vaccine strain had some variation compared to JS2016 strain,but the homology was higher than 93%.The prediction result of immunogenici- ty showed that less differences of antigenic sites of S,M and N genes exist between CV777 vaccine strain and JS2016 strain.
Progress In Veterinary Medicine