
GH4720Li合金双道次热压缩变形过程的组织演变 被引量:6

Microstructure Evolution of GH4720Li Alloy During Double-hit Hot Compression
摘要 对GH4720Li合金在1080~1180℃、应变速率为0.1s^(-1)条件下的双道次压缩过程的热变形行为进行研究。结果表明:动态再结晶是GH4720Li合金的主要软化机制。在双道次压缩间歇期内,合金发生亚动态再结晶、静态再结晶和晶粒长大;低于1120℃的变形间歇期,亚动态再结晶、静态再结晶和晶粒长大的速度缓慢;1120℃及以上温度的变形间歇期,亚动态再结晶、静态再结晶和晶粒长大的速度加快。随变形温度升高和第一道次变形量增大,道次间歇期的亚动态再结晶和静态再结晶速度加快。γ′相在热变形过程中发生协调变形,并发生细化。 The hot deformation behaviors of GH4720Li alloy during double-hit compression were studied at 1080-1180 ℃ and strain rate of 0.1 s^-1. The results show that the dynamic recrystallization is the dominant softening mechanism for GH4720Li alloy. During the intermission of double-hit compression, meta-dynamic recrystallization, static recrystallizations and grains growth take place in GH4720Li alloy. When the deformation temperature is bellow 1120℃, the rates of meta-dynamic and static recrystallizations and the grains growth are small in the intermission of deformation. When the deformation temperature is higher than 1120℃, the rates of meta-dynamic recrystallization, static recrystallizations and grains growth rate are rapid in the intermission of deformation. When the deformation temperature rises and the deformation of the first step increases, the rate of the meta-dynamic and static recrystallization in the intermission of deformation becomes quick. The γ′ phase generates compatible deformation in hot deformation and the γ′ phase is refined.
作者 阚志 杜林秀 胡军 于腾 KAN Zhi DU Linxiu HU Jun YU Teng(State Key Laboratory of Rolling and Automation, Northeastern University, Shenyang 110004, China Corporation of Fushun Special Steel, Fushun 113001, China)
出处 《热加工工艺》 CSCD 北大核心 2017年第2期67-69,73,共4页 Hot Working Technology
基金 国家863计划重大课题(2015AA03A501)
关键词 GH4720Li合金 静态再结晶 双道次压缩 微观组织 GH4720Li alloy static recrystallization double-hit compression microstructure
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