
湛江高校社区医养结合型养老需求调查 被引量:4

Investigation on needs of support-bound pension in Zhanjiang college community
摘要 目的探索高校社区教职工养老资源与养老需求,为做好社区医养结合型养老服务工作提供依据。方法 2016年5—6月随机抽取湛江2所高校40~79岁教职工207名为研究对象,进行教职工养老资源、养老需求以及老年教职工日常生活能力共16个项目问卷调查。结果教职工文化程度、经济收入较高,医保有较好保障,空巢老人占84%。老年教职工有1种及以上疾病占72%,显著高于中青年教职工的43%(P〈0.05);患糖尿病、高血压、冠心病、骨关节病分别为35%、52%、28%、59%,显著高于中青年教职工的10%、17%、8%、27%(P〈0.05)。70~79岁老人日常生活能力有困难的约80%,显著高于60~69岁老人的20~50%(P〈0.05)。老年教职工向朋友倾诉占56%,显著低于中青年教职工的75%(P〈0.05)。教职工希望家庭养老和社区养老占90%以上,对我国养老现状不满意的占50%左右。社区养老需求以上门家务料理需求最高,占75%左右。其次是协助购物、医疗保健、急诊急救和养老食堂需求均超50%。在陪同看病与健康体检方面,老年教职工分别为48%和56%,显著高于中青年教职工的32%和36%(P〈0.05)。结论高校空巢老人比例高。随年龄增长,老年人患病率增加,日常生活能力下降,对日常生活和医护照料需求增加。我国的养老现状不尽人意,主要原因是目前以家庭养老为主,不能满足老年人的心理、日常生活和医护照料。配套完善的医养结合型社区养老模式是老年人的追求,但该养老模式落地还有许多问题需要各级政府、机构在体制和制度上创新,解决实施中的难题。 Objective To explore the college community pension resources and needs of pension, so as to provide the evidence for good community health care service support-bound work. Methods A total of 207 staff(from 40 to 79 year old) from two local universities were randomly sampled as the study objects and investigated with questionnaires in Zhanjiang City from May to June 2016. The contents of the questionnaire included 16 items, such as the situations of pension resources, needs of pension, and activity of daily living of the staff. Results The faculty staff normally had better education backgrounds, better health-care protections and higher average income. There were 84% of empty nesters in the investigated sample. The percentage of people who had at least one disease was higher in senior staff(72%) than in young staff(43%), and there was a statistically significant difference(P0.05). The percentages of people who had diabetes,hypertension, coronary heart disease, and other bone and joint disease were 35%, 52%, 28% and 59% in senior staff and10%, 17%, 8% and 27% in young staff(P0.05) respectively. There were 80% of 70-79-year old staff who were suffered from daily living difficulties, while only 20%-50% of 60-69 years old staff suffered from daily living difficulties. The percentage of people who chose to talk pension problem to a friend was 56% in senior staff which was lower than that in young staff(75%)(P0.05). More than 90% of the staff were looking for the family pension and community pension and about50% of them were dissatisfied with the current situation of pension. Conclusion In current China, the pension system is mainly built up by the family pension. However, the family pension cannot meet the psychological needs, daily life activities, and medical care for the elderly, resulting in high unsatisfactory situation on current pension system. This situation could be improved with the medical support community pension model.
作者 陈光英 韩桂梅 CHEN Guang-ying HAN Gui-mei.(Outpatient Department of Lingnan Normal College, Zhanjiang 524048, Guangdong, Chin)
出处 《中国校医》 2016年第12期933-936,共4页 Chinese Journal of School Doctor
基金 湛江市哲学社会科学规划课题(2016 1)
关键词 老年人 教职工 学校 社区保健护理 老年护理 需求估价 Aged Faculty Schools Community Health Nursing Geriatric Nursing Needs Assessment
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