目的建立1种相对简便的测量红细胞抗体亲和力方法,以之研究亲和力因素对红细胞抗体检测的影响。方法根据亲和力公式,在红细胞与抗体反应达到平衡时,通过测量游离抗体浓度以及计算红细胞表面结合与未结合抗体的抗原比例,可计算出抗体与相应红细胞的结合常数(Ka)即亲和力。应用定量的R1R1红细胞吸收高效价人源抗-D,先测定饱和吸收抗-D的量,再测量不同浓度抗-D被定量红细胞吸收后游离抗体浓度,计算红细胞结合与未结合抗-D的D抗原的比值,推导出人源抗-D与R1R1细胞反应的结合常数。结果检测中使用的人源抗-D与R1R1细胞反应亲和力为(2.1-7.6)×108;实验显示,红细胞结合抗体量越少,亲和力相对越高。平行检测的1例单克隆Ig G抗-D的亲和力约为4.6×109,明显高于人源抗-D。结论所建立的测量红细胞抗体亲和力方法更为简便,减少了出现偏差的机会,适用于基础、临床以及检测的方法研究。
Objective To explore a useful method to measure unexpected antibody affinity on serum,which has influence on RBC antibody detection.Methods A certain amount of R1R1 red blood cells was used for absorption of high titers of human Ig G anti-D. The amount of absorbed antibody was calculated from the precise titer determination of the amount of free antibody in supernatant. Thus,the affinity could be calculated between the binding of R1R1 RBC and human anti-D.Results Heterogeneous antiserum Ig G anti-D affinity in this experiment was between( 2. 1- 7. 6) × 10^8. The lesser amount of antibody binding on R1R1 RBC,the higher affinity was discovered. In another parallel experiment of monoclonal Ig G anti-D,the affinity was about 4. 6×10^9,which was significantly higher than that of human anti-D.Conclusion The established approach can be used for measuring antibody affinity on serum. which provides a new insight for the immune hematology testing.
Chinese Journal of Blood Transfusion