
基于Internet网生物信息资源特定基因同源新基因克隆策略 被引量:6

Strategy of specific gene's homologous novel gene cloning based on Internet bioinformatic resource
摘要 随着人类基因组计划的基本完成,各类生物信息学数据库和软件层出不穷,利用Internet网上生物信息资源克隆新基因的策略也得到新的发展。作者在简单介绍网上生物信息资源以及新基因克隆策略的同时,着重对基于EST数据库和基因组数据库特定基因的同源新基因克隆策略进行了详细阐述。 With the completion of HGP(Human Genome Project) and setting up of more and more bioinformatic databases and softwares, the strategy of using bioinformatic resource on the Internet to search and clone a novel gene has got a new development. In this paper, we will give a brief introduction of Internet bioinformatic resource and novel gene cloning strategy, including a more detailed description for cloning strategy of the novel gene which is the homologous gene of a specific gene, based on EST and genome database.
出处 《生命科学》 CSCD 2002年第4期234-237,共4页 Chinese Bulletin of Life Sciences
关键词 生物信息学 克隆 EST 基因组 数据库 BLAST INTERNET网 bioinformatics cloning EST genome database BLAST
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