By using the OFDI of China to Central and Eastem Europe and 3- digit SITC code, we obtain more than 200 kinds of product export data over the period 2003 to 2014. We adopt the method of Haussmann et at. (2005) to exam- ine China's export technical complexity to Central and Eastern Europe. To ex- plore the influence of China's OFDI upon the export trade transformation and up- grade, this paper uses per capita GDP, trade distance, gross export value and co- operative mechanism as control variables. Empirical results reveal that China's OFDI to Central and Eastem Europe greatly promote the transformation and up- grade of our export trade with those areas. Specifically, China per capita GDP and gross export have more or less promoting effects. As the first mechanism of sub-regional cooperation, "16+ 1 cooperation" has significantly promoted export trade transformation and upgrade lead by OFDI.