Based on the GTAP model, this paper develops an econometric method to estimate the elasticity of GDP on tariffs of China and the United States using the time series data of China and America from 1992 to 2014, from which the impacts of TPP's tariff agreements on GDP of these countries were derived. Empirical re- sults show that: the elasticity of China's GDP on the tariff is significantly negative. If, in a condition that China has joined TPP, and the import tariff of China is reduced in accordance with the agreement of TPP, the GDP growth in China will increase by 4.33 percentage. Considering that there is a transition period of tariff reduc- tion, the growth rate of GDP in China will increase over 0.48 percentage per year averagely during the 9-year transition period, while the United States will enjoy a GDP growth rate increase of 0.72% respectively each year during the 10-year tariffs cutting transition period due to its advantage in product technology. Thus, China ought to hold a positive attitude towards TPP negotiations on account that the TPP tariff agreement is in line with China's interests.
Asia-Pacific Economic Review