We cast analysis on the economic effects of TPP and FTAAP on APEC members,particularly on the US,China,Japan and Korea,based on CGE models.The results indicate that,a TPP excluding China and Korea will bring shocks on the two economies,but the two economies will benefit from FTAAP.The economies which have participated TPP negotiation will gain from TPP as well,yet a larger scoped FTAAP will bring higher gains.China will also obtain benefits via participating TPP,meanwhile promote the gains obtained by the US and Japan.On the industry perspective,the outputs and trade volumes from agriculture sectors,textile and clothing and electronic product sectors in China will increase,in the cases that China participate TPP or FTAAP.Most of the US industries will obtain growth in output and trade,while in Japan,the majority of agricultural sectors will suffer from TPP or FTAAP,sectors such as textile and automobile will be promoted,while the electronic products and other vehicles might suffer shocks from China and Korea.Yet in terms of Korea,its key industries will be promoted only in the case of FTAAP,if it denies attending TPP.The latest adjustment of US Asia-Pacific Strategy indicates that US will focus on TPP in the coming years.China at current stage should promote FTAAP in a gradual way,but pushing forward East Asian Economic Cooperation,and constructing a Hub-Spokes styled FTA networks in the Asian-Pacific Area seems to be more pragmatic.
Journal of International Trade