针对国产中小型钢辊式圆捆机收获完整稻秆时易于堵塞问题,设计了侧圆盘与钢辊组合式(简称辊盘式)卷捆机构,并利用自制辊盘式圆捆机试验装置对其卷捆过程进行了试验研究。通过高速摄像与运动学分析可知:完整稻秆刚进入卷捆室后在钢辊及侧圆盘共同作用下沿钢辊做整周运动,稻秆在卷捆室内运转一周重新到达卷捆室底部位置时,两侧壁摩擦力会使其停止旋转,而在卷捆室底部产生持续累积过程,由侧圆盘对稻秆产生的摩擦带动力可缩短累积稻秆形成旋转草芯进程,进而避免堵塞现象发生。据此以影响辊盘式圆捆机形成旋转草芯的主要因素——圆盘直径、圆盘转速、长宽比(稻秆长度与卷捆室宽度的比值)为试验因素,将旋转草芯形成时的稻秆质量作为评价指标进行试验。试验表明各因素影响评价指标的主次顺序为圆盘直径、长宽比、圆盘转速;取圆盘直径380 mm、圆盘转速135 r/min,当长宽比为1.00时,旋转草芯形成时的稻秆质量为1.21 kg,当长宽比为1.26时,旋转草芯形成时的稻秆质量为3.44 kg,并且无堵塞现象发生。研究结果可为辊盘式圆捆机的设计及其作业参数优化提供理论及技术依据。
With respect to the collaring jam problem found when harvesting intact rice straw by using domestic small and medium-sized steel-roll round balers, the baling mechanism, which combines the side disk and steel roils (" the roll-disk type" for short ) was designed, and the baling process was experimented by the was found that after roll-disk round baler. Through high-speed photography and kinematic analysis, it being fed to the baling chamber, the intact rice straw can move circumferentially straw would stop rotating due to friction force on two side walls of the baling chamber, then it was continuously accumulated at the bottom of baling chamber; the friction driving force generated by side disk on rice straw can shorten the process of rice straw accumulation to form rotating straw core, which can prevent collaring jam. Based on this, the main factors that affected the formation of rotating straw core in the roll-disk round baler---disk diameter, disk rotation speed and length-width ratio (ratio of rice straw length to width of baling chamber) are chosen as the experimental factors, the rice straw mass when forming rotating straw core was decided as the evaluation index, and then experiments were conducted. The experimental results showed that the sequence of various factors' influence on the evaluation index was disk diameter, length-width ratio and disk rotation speed. When the disk diameter was 380 mm, disk rotation speed was 135 r/rain, length-width ratio was 1.00, rice straw mass when forming rotating straw core was 1.21 kg, and the length-width ratio was 1.26, the rice straw mass when forming rotating straw core was 3.44 kg, and there was no jam occurred. The research resuhs can provide theoretical and technical basis for design of roll-disk round balers and optimization of its operating parameters.
Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery
round baler
steel roils
side disk
baling mechanism