
农户承包地的退出路径:一个地方试验 被引量:24

The Abdication Mechanism of Farmers' Contracted Land:A Local Test
摘要 为了解决规模经营受阻和农业投资受限的问题,重庆梁平县作为全国三个农村土地承包权退出试点之一,顺应农地经营"进退"双方需求,兼顾农民、集体、用地主体和政府四方利益,在明确退出前提条件的基础上,设计出"整户退出、集中使用"和"部分退出、进退联动"两种模式,并安排退出补偿周转资金,为农户自愿有偿退出承包地提供制度通道和资金支持。梁平的试验表明,承包地退出具有可行性。但是关于承接人的限定、退出土地的连片利用、补偿标准的确定等问题,需要进一步讨论。做好承包地退出工作,应为退地者建立风险保障机制,统筹推进承包地和宅基地退出,并考虑实行退出土地的国家收储政策。 In order to promote the scale of land management and agricultural investment,as one of the three Contracted Land AbdicationExperimental Areas in China, Liangpingcounty of Chongqing provides institutional channels for farmers'rural-urban migration.It not only allows some farmers to give the contracted land up totally or partly, but also arrangesa sum of fund as working capital. The experimentcaters to the needs of both the farmers andthe new agricultural operator, and takes interests of all parties into account. The experience of Liangping shows that the contracted land abdication is feasible.However, there are some problemsto be further discussed, such as who take over the land, how to use the land and the determination of compensation standard, etc. Do a good job of contracted land abdication, we need to establisha risk protection mechanism for the farmer household abdicating land, to promote the contract land and homesteadquittingsimultaneously and considerate the national purchasingpolicy of farmer's land right.
作者 刘同山
出处 《重庆社会科学》 CSSCI 2016年第11期38-43,共6页 Chongqing Social Sciences
基金 国家社会科学基金重点项目"城镇化进程中农户土地退出及其实现机制研究"(批准号:16AJY012)
关键词 农民进城 承包地退出 三农问题 farmers'rural-urban migration, contracted land abdication, agriculture problem
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