As a place where life happens, the notion of "home" consists of three sets of relations: human and space, human and object, and between human themselves. China and only as an n 2015-2016, House Vision projects in Japan consider the notion of home not architect's vision of future lifestyle andliving space, but also as a way of exploring new forms of production in the age of Post-Fordism. The article attempts to interpret these projects in terms of the three sets of relations mentioned above, so as to understand how home as a form of production can act as a nexus of inhabitant, living scenario, space and multiple industries. These industries not only include the ones that normally associated with architecture such as real estate, household appliances, and construction materials, but also involve ones as automobile, energy, creative industry, and logistics that are beyond the architectural realm.
Time + Architecture
House Vision
Post-Fordist Production
Home As a Form of Production