

An Analysis of the Economic Impacts of Refugee Reception on Countries of Resettlement——A Comparative Study of the Current Economic Situation of the Main Refugee Receiving Countries
摘要 难民安置国家的主要困境之一在于难民接收给本国经济带来的负面影响。但从经济角度观察,现行的全球难民救助体系缺乏科学性。因其仅仅将接收难民看作一个单独的人道主义问题,通过为难民提供基本的生存条件来解决难民问题。从长期来看,这种方式不仅忽略了难民人口本身的能动性,而且难以持久。在分析叙利亚难民危机以来主要难民安置国家的经济状况变化的基础上,长期的难民解决方案理应是包含创造政策条件、发展依托于难民的经济等立足于难民自身发展的综合救助体系。 At present, the main dilemma of the refugee receiving countries is the negative impact of the refugee reception on the domestic economy. From an economic point of view, the current global refugee assistance system is not scientific. Because it only take the refugee problem as a separate humanitarian issue, and the government just provide basic living resources for the refugees. But in the long term, it' s not an efficient way because this approach ignores the initiative of the refugee population itself, and will not be sustainable. Based on the analysis of the changes of economic situation in major refugee receiving countries since the Syria refugee crisis, we have found out that the long-term solution to the refugee issue shall cover the creation of policy conditions, the development of refugee oriented economy and other means to help the refugees to fully tap their potentials.
作者 史小今 SHI Xiaojin
出处 《中共中央党校学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第6期103-108,共6页 Journal of The Party School of The Central Committee of The C.T.C
关键词 难民接收 经济影响 安置国 Refugee Reception, Economic Impact, Refugee Receiving Countries
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