针对程潮铁矿无底柱分段崩落法的采场结构参数调整后过渡分段可能存在的主要问题 ,采用理论计算和室内物理放矿模拟的手段 ,研究了合理的放矿截止品位 ,以及过渡分段矿石贫化率和回收率变化的规律 ,最终确定了过渡分段合理的放矿制度。
As the structural parameters of stopes were modified in the subdrift caving system in Chengchao Iron Mine, some problems might be encountered. In light of the major problems that might occur, the rational cut-off grade for ore drawing was studied and the changing rules of the ore dilution and recovery on the transit sublevel were investigated through theoretical calculation and indoor physical simulation of the drawing process. Finally, the rational drawing rule was determined for the transit sublevel.
Mining Research and Development