世界饮茶热潮不断推动着我国传统农业——茶叶种植规模的扩大,茶叶经济发展不断受到关注,然而茶叶种植所产生的生态环境效应却往往被忽视。本研究以专业化茶叶种植县——福建省安溪县为对象,通过综合各乡镇茶叶种植面积、茶叶种植区位商和集中系数3种方法,将安溪县各乡镇茶叶种植专业化情况划分为高度专业化、较高专业化、中等专业化、较低专业化和无茶叶种植5个等级,基于能值理论分析方法,构建安溪县农业生态系统投入、产出指标体系,并建立能值投入密度、环境负载率、可持续发展指数等8个能值评价指标,进行不同专业化茶叶种植农业生态系统的评价与分析。研究结果表明:(1)安溪县专业化茶叶种植农业生态系统运行过程中以可更新环境资源投入为主,不同专业化茶叶种植间环境贡献率高达0.96-0.99,而能值投资率仅有0.01-0.04;(2)茶叶种植专业化等级与产出能值密度之间总体上呈正相关,随着专业化等级的不断增强,农业生态系统生产力总体上不断提高,高度专业化等级茶叶种植的产出能值密度达到4.15E+11 sej·m-2,是无茶叶种植的1.32倍;(3)专业化茶叶种植农业生态系统具有较高的生产效率和经济效益,专业化茶叶种植等级与净能值产出率之间呈正相关,高度专业化茶叶种植的净能值产出率为1.29,是无茶叶种植的2.86倍,且环境负载率为0.05,具有环境友好性;(4)专业化茶叶种植降低了农业生态系统稳定性,系统稳定性指数与茶叶种植专业化等级间呈负相关,无茶叶种植等级系统稳定性指数为1.12,是高度专业化等级的1.56倍。因而在茶叶专业化种植过程中,应注重复合生态茶园建设,提高专业化茶叶种植系统的生物多样性和稳定性,并加大科技管理投入、提高农业生产技术水平,以进一步提高农业系统总体经济发展水平和可持续发展能�
In pace with sustainable growth of tea drinking habit prevalent in the world today, the scale of tea plantation which is traditional agriculture activity in China, has been rapidly expanding. Accordingly, a mainly market-driven factor is the economic benefit of tea, but the effect of planting tea on the eco-environment has been easily ignored. In this paper, the specialized tea planting region of Anxi County in Fujian Province was used as a case study to grade the specialization of tea planting among towns. A total of 5 levels of tea planting specialization(high, sub-high, middle, low and no tea planting) were graded with the integration of 3 indices(tea planting area, location quotient and coefficient of concentration) in the study. Based on emergy theory and method, emergy investment and output indices were calculated and 8 emergy evaluation indices were used to analyze agricultural ecosystems at different specialized levels of tea planting. The study showed that:(1) the operation of Anxi's specialized tea planting agricultural ecosystem was given priority to renewable environmental resources. The environmental contribution ratio for different specialized levels of tea planting was 0.96–0.99 while the emergy investment ratio was only 0.01–0.04.(2) A positive correlation existed between the density of emergy yield and specialized levels of tea planting. Agricultural ecosystem productivity improved with increasing specialized level of tea planting. Then the density of emergy output of high specialization tea planting was 4.15E+11 sej·m-2, which was 1.32 times that of specialized level of no tea planting.(3) Specialized tea planting agricultural ecosystem had high production efficiency and economic benefit, with a positive correlation between emergy yield ratio and specialized level of tea planting. The emergy yield ratio of tea planting and high specialization was 1.29, which was 2.86 times that of specialized level of no tea planting. The environmental load ratio of each specialize
Chinese Journal of Eco-Agriculture
Specialized planting level
Agricultural ecosystem
Anxi County