Using subjective report and physiological response indexes, this study tries to synthetically explore the validi-ty (including intensity, purity and duration) of 4 different moods (happiness, excitement, sadness and fear) , which are induced by 4 widely used MIPs ( Picture MIP, Music MIP, Film MIP and Autobiographical Rec ollection MIP) . Our conclusions are as follows: 1) In general, music MIP turns out to induce the highest level of mood intensity, while picture MIP induces the lowest one. For the positive mood, music MIP induces a higher level of mood intensity, while picture MIP induces a lower one; For the negative mood, Autobiographical Recollection MIP induces a higher level of mood intensity, while music MIP induces a lower one. 2) Music MIP turns out to induce a higher level of mood purity, while picture MIP induces a lower one. 3) The durations of the moods vary in accordance with different levels of valence and arousal: the duration of happiness is nearly 1 minute, the duration of ex citement is 2 minutes and 30 seconds, the duration of sadness is 1 minute and 30 seconds, and the duration of fear is 2 minutes.
Studies of Psychology and Behavior