随着电网工程建设的迅速发展,L220和L250大规格角钢已经在特高压输电铁塔结构上得到了比较广泛的应用。但随着输电线路工程中大截面导线等技术的发展,铁塔的外负荷越来越大,为满足承载力需要,对角钢肢宽提出了更高的要求。结合工程应用实例,对250 mm肢宽以上大规格角钢(280 mm和300 mm)的承载力和经济性进行了分析研究。
With the rapid development of power grid construction, L220 and L250 large-size angle steels have been widely used in the field of transmission steel towers. However, with the development of large cross-section wire transmission technology, the load of the tower becomes larger and larger, and the larger limb width of angle steel is put forward to meeting the need of bearing capacity. Combined with the engineering example, the bearing capacity and economy of large-size angle steel (280 mm and 300 mm) whose limb width is more than 250 mm are studied.
Shandong Electric Power