
奥巴马第二任期美俄关系论析 被引量:8

Analysis of U.S.-Russian Relations During Obama's Second Presidential Term
摘要 美俄关系是备受瞩目的大国关系。奥巴马总统在其第二任期对美国对俄政策进行了调整。奥巴马第二任期的美俄关系大致可分为三个阶段:对俄政策调整阶段孕育着新的危机;乌克兰危机爆发标志着美俄"重启"的终结和"新对峙"的开始;双方在北约、叙利亚等全球与地区热点问题上继续角力。美国对俄政策的转折点是乌克兰危机的爆发。乌克兰危机对本已脆弱的"重启"进程造成了致命打击,标志着美俄关系"重启"的彻底终结,而俄罗斯对克里米亚的兼并将美俄关系带入了"新对峙"阶段。至此,美国把对俄罗斯的政策确定为:坚定不移地与盟国一起对俄罗斯进行制裁。目前,美俄关系已降至20世纪80年代以来的最低水平。乌克兰危机与中东乱局不仅牵制了美国"再平衡"战略,也对美国同俄罗斯合作应对国际安全、全球治理、反恐等问题的努力构成了挑战。2016年11月8日,唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)当选为美国新任总统。在他主政后,预计美俄关系会有所缓和,两国可能在反恐等领域展开更多的合作。但美俄关系很难发生根本性变化,还会围绕在具体问题上的合作与对抗继续波动。 This paper analyzes the U.S.-Russian relations during Obama's second presidential term. Their relations can be divided into three stages: background and adjustment of Obama's Russia policy; end of U.S.-Russian 'reset'and beginning of the new confrontation marked with the Ukraine crisis,which has a profound impact on the security interests of the United States and its European allies; continuity of U. S.-Russia playing game within the frames of couples of global and regional hotspots. Finally,by summarizing development,characteristics and problems of U. S.-Russian relations,this paper comes to a conclusion that there are lots of disagreements between the U.S. and Russia in the fields of military presence,politics and security in terms of conceptions and policies. Chaos in the Middle East and crisis in Ukraine,which are difficult to be solved in the short term,hinder the U. S. 'rebalancing' strategy,challenge the U. S.efforts to cooperate with Russia to deal with international security,global governance,anti-terrorism and other issues. No matter who will be in power after Obama,he or she has to carefully deal with Russia. The U.S.-Russian bilateral relations are very difficult to change its nature in a short run. When it comes to specific issues,they will continue to fluctuate with cooperation and confrontation.
作者 张建 周琪
出处 《世界经济与政治》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第11期84-105,共22页 World Economics and Politics
关键词 美俄关系 美国外交 美国对俄罗斯政策 奥巴马政府 U S -Russian relations American diplomacy U.S.-Russia policy Obama's second presidential term
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