
联合国后千年发展议程的形成及健康相关目标 被引量:1

Establishment of Post-2015 Development Agenda and health related goals
摘要 目的:探究联合国2015年后发展议程的形成过程,以及与健康相关的目标和指标,了解其与"千年发展目标(MDGs)"的异同,方法:从相关国际组织官方网站(联合国、WHO等),以及Pub Med等数据库中查阅相关官方文件、文献,进行归纳总结。结果:联合国在2010年开始着手对2015年后发展议程制定的准备工作,通过不同组织部门之间的调研、讨论,并发布一系列报告,为最终的后2015发展日程形成奠定基础,2015年后发展日程中有1项总目标,包括13项具体目标涉及公共卫生领域。结论:2015年后发展议程中公共卫生相关目标结合了"千年发展目标"指标和新增挑战,其具体目标的覆盖面也更为广泛、具体。 The aim of this paper is to find out the formation process of the post-2015 development agenda and health-related goals, and try to understand the similarities and differences between Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Official websites of international organizations such as UN and WHO, and official documents and articles from database like PubMed, were helpful as the sources of data for further to analysis and summarize the information. The analysis of the present paper, shows that the UN has begun preparing the post-2015 development agenda, and to investigate, consult and report through different organizations. In the same time it has been found that the Post-2015 development agenda has only one goal related to health, which contains 13 specific targets. In conclusion, it has been noticed that the health-related goals of Post-2015 development agenda combined Millennium Development Goals and new challenges, the specific targets are more wide and specific.
出处 《中国卫生政策研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第10期50-55,共6页 Chinese Journal of Health Policy
基金 中国-英国全球卫生支持项目(202708)
关键词 千年发展目标 2015年后发展议程 可持续发展目标 健康 Millennium Development Goals Post-2015 development agenda Sustainable Development Goals Health
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